Product News & Updates


Many of our swine formulas were developed during a time when mini-pig breeds were the predominant species used in biomedical research and thus ‘Mini-Pig’ was used in the naming of our swine diets. Fast forward to present, various commercial breeds of swine are also frequently used for biomedical research. The use of ‘Mini-Pig’ for our products has created some confusion regarding the appropriate use of our diets across breeds. The nutritional requirements of mini-pigs and commercial swine breeds are the same, meaning our diets can be used for all breeds.

In effort to improve clarity on the purpose of our swine diets, we are making a slight adjustment by replacing ‘Mini-Pig’ with ‘Porcine’ in the title. The formula and ingredients remain the same and will continue to provide the same Constant Nutrition® as always; the only change is in the name. The table below lists each of our swine products by diet code, followed by the traditional name then the new and improved title. Please note that the bag tags will continue to have the original name as spacing is limited. You will also find updated spec sheets on our website

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our team at We sincerely appreciate your continued business.

Thank you,
LabDiet® Team